Salvemos Vidas con Salud

About this project

Protect the health of small producers and generate local capacity for making soap using appropriate hygiene practices.
Material Goal Optimum
Olive oil
600 litres of olive oil
£ 465
Caustic soda
60 Kilos of caustic soda.
£ 968
Silicone molds
60 silicone molds. They will be used to shape and solidify the soap for later distribution.
£ 116
60 pairs of gloves. Gloves for the protection of 20 volunteers and 40 producers, who will handle the materials for the preparation of cleaning supplies.
£ 116
Protective glasses
30 pairs of protective glasses. Protective glasses that will protect the eyes of the producers when making the soaps.
£ 116
Packing material.
Cellophane sheets and cardboard for packaging.
£ 194
Task Goal Optimum
1 trainer.
£ 217
Total £ 1,433 £ 2,191

General information

In Latin America, a region greatly affected by the pandemic, the coronavirus crisis represents a bigger threat to the most vulnerable sectors. Taking into account that the communities in rural Ecuador live from the sale of their crops and make very little income, it is practically impossible to have sufficient resources to buy cleaning supplies more frequently to reduce the risk of contagion.

Poverty conditions due to the presence of the pandemic have worsened, especially in provinces such as Chimborazo, which in 2018 was the province with the highest poverty in the Sierra and the province with the third highest poverty in the country. In order to reduce these rates, Coprobich works to improve the living conditions of rural communities in the cantons of Riobamba, Guamote and Colta, and seeks alternatives that allow safeguarding their health.

This initiative aims to enhance the skills of producers so that they can make hygiene supplies, such as soap to use for correct hand washing and prevention of contagion and spread of the coronavirus. Along with social distancing measures, washing with soap and water is, to date, the most efficient and cheapest method to avoid contagion.

There is always talk of the need to bring water to rural areas, but rarely about hygiene practices, where soap becomes a primary resource. This is the reason Coprobich, together with its partners, is working to train people in the communities of the rural areas of Chimborazo.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

“Let's save lives with health practices” is based on social conscience and collaboration.

Its objective is to bring hygiene practices to producers in the rural sector of the Riobamba, Colta and Guamote cantons in the province of Chimborazo in Ecuador and save lives by avoiding the spread and contagion of the coronavirus.

With this initiative, we seek that producers learn to make products (i.e., soaps), which allow to promote good hygiene practices.

Coprobich is very close to the producers, who day after day work in the fields of the country and carry the knowledge of the cultivation of quinoa and other products of the Andean Sierra, since ancient times, and who are ready to collaborate in the preparation of cleaning supplies from their communities.

Why this is important

The project is going to work with 557 families from the rural communities in the cantons of Riobamba, Guamote and Colta in the province of Chimborazo, who live in poverty.

For the production of cleaning supplies, we seek the collaboration of groups and people who can understand our work and the importance of rural producers for the whole world, hoping that, through small contributions, they will help us acquire the necessary ingredients for making soaps, which will minimize the risks of contagion of COVID-19 in many families of the Essential Producers.

Team and experience

The Corporation of Organic Producers and Commercialization Bio Taita Chimborazo COPROBICH is a legally recognized corporation of producers. It is an autonomous non-profit for the service and social benefit of its members, who are Puruhá indigenous from 56 communities of the cantons Riobamba, Colta and Guamote. To date, it has more than 557 associated families.

COPROBICH, since its creation, seeks to reduce the exclusion of the Puruhá indigenous people of the Chimborazo province through the valuation of quinoa, wheat, barley rice and other organic agricultural products. COPROBICH is currently gaining recognition, autonomy, independence and bargaining power through Associative Marketing. Since 2009, after the approval of its Assembly of members, COPROBICH buys quinoa directly from its members applying fair trade and exports it to the market of countries such as France, Belgium, Germany, Canada and the Netherlands.

Social commitment