Contributing US$ 5
Personalized Online Postcard.

> 03 Donors
Contributing US$ 10
Raffle of a handmade bracelet.

> 01 Donors
Contributing US$ 15
Raffle of a handmade keychain by the women of our community.

> 00 Donors
Contributing US$ 20
Raffle of a hand-woven purse by the women of our community.

> 03 Donors
Contributing US$ 30
Raffle of a handmade poncho made by the women of our community.

> 01 Donors

Gracias por hacer nuestro sueño realidad / Thank you for making our dream come true!

06 | 06 | 2021

¡Gracias por hacer nuestro sueño realidad!

Tenemos el molino ya en nuestra comunidad, queremos agradecerte nuevamente e invitarte a continuar apoyando a las mujeres para que mejoren las condiciones de vida de sus familia.


Organización de Mujeres Galte Jatun Loma

Thank you for making our dream come true!

We have the mill already in our community, we want to thank you again and invite you to continue supporting women to improve the living conditions of their families.

Cordially yours,

Galte Jatun Loma Women's Organization


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