La choza de chocolate Tsatsayaku.

Contributing US$ 10
Gratitude Note

Thank you very much for contributing to the project. Your name will appear in the "AMIGO TSATSAYAKU" section of our website, as well as in the thank you video that we will make after the campaign.

> 00 Donors
Contributing US$ 15
Digital Postcard + Gratitude Note

In addition to showing your name in the acknowledgments, we will send you a digital postcard with photos of the communities you supported.

> 00 Donors
Contributing US$ 30
T-shirt Giveaway + Digital Postcard

In addition to showing your name in the acknowledgments and sending you the digital postcard, you will be entered in the raffle for a “Friend Tsatsayaku” t-shirt.

> 00 Donors
Contributing US$ 100
Cocoa Nibs Case in a Personalized Jute Bag

In addition to showing your name in the acknowledgments and sending you a digital postcard, we will send you a bag of Cacao Nibs in a personalized jute sleeve produced in Tsatsayaku.

> 00 Donors
Contributing US$ 250
Experience "Tsatsayaku Chakra Chocolate and Tourism" + Digital Postcard

In addition to showing your name in the acknowledgments and sending you a digital postcard, you will have access to the virtual experience of “Tsatsayaku Chakra Chocolate and Tourism”.

> 00 Donors

La Choza de Chocolate avanza / The chocolate hut is moving forward!

06 | 06 | 2021

¡La choza de chocolate avanza!

Como te comentamos, iniciamos con la construcción, gracias por apoyar este sueño. Tenemos los pilares de nuestra choza ya instalados.

Seguiremos contándote como avanzamos.

Muchas gracias!

Asociación Tsatsayaku.

The chocolate hut is moving forward!

As we told you, we started with the construction, thank you for supporting this dream. We have the pillars of our hut already installed.

We will keep telling you how we are progressing.

Thank you very much!

Tsatsayaku Association.


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