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FECD is a platform in which it is possible to propose many types of projects - creative and innovative initiatives of a social, cultural, scientific, educational, technological or ecological nature, which help to build communities around them and contribute to the development of the commons, open code and/or free knowledge so as to benefit the largest possible number of people.
We're focussed on projects with an "open DNA": free culture, social action, free hardware and software, alternative economy, architecture, gastronomy, research, permaculture, learning etc. which contribute to the enrichment of the commons through collective returns thanks to free and/or open licenses (Creative Commons or GPL for example).
These are projects, therefore, that share information, knowledge, processes, results, responsibilities, benefits, digital content and other resources related to the proposals for which they are seeking help and crowdfunding.
This is a very important theme! That the collective impacts and returns of the projects can be replicated and scaled in other communities and over time!
Despite the fact that there may be projects of high social interest (social good), aimed at generating positive changes in specific places or communities, FECD is not oriented towards solidarity or social initiatives if they do not clearly establish a collective return. That is, they ensure that the project is transferable and reusable by other people or groups, achieving similar impacts and returns.
FECD is not oriented towards the funding of project designed exclusively for profit. Neither can it host sales processes of products or services, or lottery campaigns, electoral campaigns, or charity fund-raising.
Just like most crowdfunding platforms, it is not a tool to fund or lead projects related to content that may result inappropriate, criminal, or which can prejudice people's dignity.
The FECD digital platform is very simple and easy to use, it is enough to follow the sequence that is displayed in the creation of a project to be able to load it, edit it and adjust it again before it is ready for the next step. However, if the promoter of a project requires some particular support, an advisor can solve the questions, doubts or difficulties that they may have. The most important thing is the commitment of the promoter to lead his project from the beginning until reaching the achievement of collections that is proposed.
We are sure that you can go by yourself, easily and quickly in the process of uploading your project to the platform, but if something may arise,
let's talk .
At FECD we are interested in accompanying your initiative, advising you from the beginning to the end of your project. We are interested in advising so that the user gets the best out of this digital platform available to all and that the people and driving entities know how to configure or adapt their projects: campaigns, collective returns, new products and derived services, etc. This advice is carried out from the FECD with a team of people passionate about helping.
First of all you have to consider that crowdfunding in general is also an act of public dissemination of ideas or potential projects, which in this way want to be carried out with the support of small contributions via the Internet.
In addition, FECD promotes the commons, open source and free knowledge with the philosophy that sharing as much as possible what someone creates is not incompatible with being able to make a living from it. We aspire to generate a pole of attraction on collective returns that involve reuse (rather than plagiarism) of useful things, inspiration, learning and shared progress for society as a whole.
Therefore, if you can't explain what you want to do and / or don't want to share the how-to through collective returns, through free or open licenses, FECD financing may not be the best option.
Of course, projects can be carried out or have an impact in Ecuador or any other territory. However, for the moment we are inclined to give priority to projects in the rural sectors of Ecuador. For this reason and, given that the intention of FECD is to grow by reinforcing local capacities with geographic proximity, it is possible that the final decision when publishing or not publishing the project on the platform is to prioritize the closest projects.
You should also consider that, if you promote a project outside of Ecuador, the currency exchange could affect your collection.
Not running a campaign, but yes, you can have various projects being edited or pending evaluation. The general rule of thumb is that what matters and what's effective is focusing on a single project. Also, bear in mind that, in Oigo, each project has two funding rounds of 40 days each or 20 days for the second round, and you need to focus on them and work hard to communicate and make progress in each one of them. Also, in this initial beta stage, what we value is diversity, of ideas as much as of people and project teams, so, for the time being, you can only have one project per project leader under campaign.
FECD believes that yes, at least on our part there is no problem. We are aware that in certain projects there are actions that can lead to complementary processes and products (educational, research, recreational, marketing potential, transformation to other formats, or supports, etc., that require co-financing.
To do this, it is best to study other platforms and what type of projects they support. But you must consider the timing and breakdown of the project (by phases or by-products) so that two campaigns on two different platforms do not get out of step, since this can generate confusion and suspicion among potential co-financiers.